Saturday, September 5, 2009

essay #2

The case could be made, certainly that art is powerful, that it changes and can be a change agent. Dyson argues Tupac’s legend it what it is precisely because of his foresight and visionary words. In fact, Dyson calls Tupac on a number of occasions a prophet. How does Dyson do this so eloquently? Discuss the author’s craft and skillful use of his material. Discuss his resources and scholarship. How do you know Dyson is an expert?

Introduction: Tupuc changed the art of rap music. In my opinion rap music used to mean something, but now all I ever hear is curse words and the sentences dont make any sence to me. His lyrics were so powereful you could feel the pain of the words he was singing. He definitely spoke from the heart. I t hik the lyrics were also tied to what he saw everyday.

Body: I beive Dyson calls Tupuc a prophet, because to he spoke to his fans regularly and was able to send a message behind his music. When you are a great artist you are able to send secret messages behind your lyrics. Sometimes the message is hard to find, but if listen long enough you will find it.

Body continued: The reason i think Dyson knew Tupuc so well is because he had to a lot of research and g ather evidence to write his book about him. The more you know about your subject the better your book or paper is going to be. Dyson did a good with Tupuc so I guess I can consider Dyson an expert on Tupuc. I also think it is not easy to write a book about someone.

Conclusion: In my conclusion I just like to how well Dyson expressed his feelings for Tupuc. He is a great artist. He is one for the ages. Dyson considered him the best of all time. The man will never be forgotten.

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