Thursday, November 12, 2009

Process of Holler Paper

Erik Del Nero
English 1A
Professor Wanda Sabir
11, Nov. 2009
Process of Holler Paper
The first thing that I did when I wrote this paper is made the paper read like an outline. That told me my outline was good but the paper was not. When I was told that my paper was not written well, I felt a bit of disappointment. So, I took a base of action and talk to my teacher on how I should write it which helped a lot.
When I began to rewrite my essay on my chapter I reread my notes and put that plus what my teacher said together. I had a lot to say about my chapter since it reflects mainly on his relationship with his mother. As I was sitting their typing away I began to feel Tupac’s pain.
When I was talking to my teacher about what I should write and she gave me lots of examples, which helped write about my chapter. Since I did it wrong the first time I wrote it, I had to start over completely. Starting an assignment over completely makes me feel horrible, because I put a lot of effort in the assignment. On the other hand starting an assignment over is kind of good because you now know what not to do.
I also learn what I should put in the essay and what not to put in the essay. I decided to use some of the same things but not all. In my mind some of the things I said in my outline were quite accurate. I decided to keep my poem in because it goes with the title of the chapter I was doing. The chapter was very touching because of the type of relationship he had with his mother.
In conclusion, I think my paper turned out pretty good since I hade to write it twice. It made it seem easier since I knew what I should and should not put in. Tupac’s life was quite out of the ordinary at least for my taste of what a childhood should be like.

Was Tupac forced in the life he had or did he choose it himself?

I believe he did not have a choice because of the lifestyle he had at home. He was forced to become independent at an early age. I also, think that uit only made him stronger as a person. A he grew up he decided how he wanted his life to form. I believe you are the person runing your life. Some people say they rather let nature take its course and lets just see what happens. I believe you have to make things happen for yourself. One line I always hear is that you have to be your own advocate.

So, for my conclusion of what I think of this question I believe Tupac made his life the way he wanted it to be after he went through his horrible childhood.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Free write on the poem What Is It That I Search 4

In the poem "What is it that i search 4," talks about searching for a certain something and not knowing if you find it or knowing what to do if he or she achieves there mission. It says at least to me your heart maybe blinded as you figure out what you r searching for. Sometimes it may take years to figure it all out. No one knows why it takes that long it could just be the way of life. As everyone searches for the answer for what they are loking for there is a sign of relief when the answer is found. Why do people come to conclusions right away.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Self Reflection on own performance

As for my self reflection on my own performance, I felt I did well but I was nervous. I Practiced my presentation, but I am not sure if it showed. What I think I can do better for my next presentation is get more evidence to back up my fax. Doing a presentation is something that does not come easy for me. Now that it is down i feel happy.

Response to all Presentations

As for all the chapters in and presentation everyone did great. Everyone seemed to know their chapter. I really enjoyed listening to everyone tell their chapter and see what they gathered from it. I felt like I learned a lot from all the presentations.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Robert King

His life was very hard since he was sent to prison for a crime he never committed too. He was sentenced for 35 years and then another 8 for when he escaped to bring the total up to 43 years. Another reason King said he was arrested was because he was part of the Black Panthers. He repeated quite a few times that our law system really needs to be fixed. People were getting arrested just because they had a criminal record and their record fit the profile of the suspect the cops were looking for. The cops used the strategy of one by one elimination.His life seemed very depressing. I am glad he is doing well now though.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tupucs Interviews

Tupuc interview number one:

Tupuc's first interview first interview was with Bakari. Tupuc was an eighteen year old kid when he was doing his first interview. His mainly talking about his name. Tupuc discussed the true meaning of his African Name. Tupuc also talked about how the new black panthers had a negative impact. He and Dyson comfirmed that he worked with the New Black Panthers.

It is almost impossible to escape the name that you were given. It is key that you always know the meaning of your original name before you decide to pick one for yourself. Tupuc was able to release himself from his original name when he renamed himself Tupuc.

When the callers called during the interview they had so many questions. One question was what was a womens rule in the New Black Panthers? Tupuc replied they helped organized all the main events. The people in the New Black Panthers community was the ages thirteen to twenty-five. Tupuc was also asked about the attack on African Americans that took place in Virgina Beach. He had some serious range in his response.

Interview Number two:

Tupuc Decides to talk about the popularity of the hip-hop music world. When Tupuc lived in Merlin they taught him the true meaning of his music.

Being An African American was not easy at that time. Their goal was to be able to go somewhere and not be looked at with a weird stare. You should never let people shut you up. There was a lot of black on black crime going on during this period in history.

After everything he went through in his life he wanted to tell people what he wished happened and what really happpened. He also said you should always let the law do its job. He also was very interested in acting. The movie Tupuc was in was called Juiced. I think he would of made a fine actor. His movie was about a person who was trying to find himself.